1. “Greatness is contagious. You’ll catch it if you get around it.” – T.D. Jakes
Simply being around people who are progressing and moving in the direction that you wish to go can elevate you to the place you need to be. Pay attention to the company you are keeping. Are you around positive people
who are taking action in their lives, or are you surrounding yourself with people who are still in the same space they were ten years ago? If you are in a romantic relationship, look at your partner. What does your relationship say about you? Does your relationship match the person you want to be? For the new year, make a commitment to let go of those who are bringing you down and surround yourself with people who represent your highest vision of you.
2. “What other people think about you is none of your business.” – Author Unknown
So many times we get caught up in what others think about us. We make their opinion the one that counts in our lives, and eventually it may steer us in a direction different from where we really want to be. Well I’m here to tell you, your life is just that, YOUR LIFE. It’s no one else’s but your own. Now is the time to take responsibility for your life and not allow someone else’s thoughts to take away your power. Reclaim your sense of self, follow your own dreams and tell all the naysayers and dream killers to keep their thoughts and opinions of you to themselves.
3. “ When you have nothing else, you have a choice.” - Penney Peirce
In every moment of every day, you have a choice of what you will do, how you will feel and what you focus your mind on. I hear people say all the time, “I can’t help how I feel” or “He made me do that” or “I can’t stop thinking about this”. You always have a choice. No one controls what you do or how you think or feel. You, and only you, decide what frame of mind you reside in or what actions you take. As you move into the new year, if you find yourself in the midst of an undesirable feeling or mindset, first, take responsibility for choosing the experience. Then make a conscious choice to think and do something different that will bring you the feeling, and ultimately the reality you desire. And remember, even in the depths of trauma, you can still be at peace, if
you choose.
4. “ You can clutch the past so tightly to your chest that it leaves your arms too full to embrace the present.” –Jan Glidewell
Leave the past in the past. What happened yesterday cannot be changed. Use your memories to learn from or to comfort you, but do not allow your memories to use you. All that you have is this moment right now because even tomorrow is not promised. We cannot change where we were born, how we grew up, how other people treated us, all the mistakes we made, but all those things do not have to define who we are today. It’s time to forgive ourselves and others for the mistakes of the past, let go of the worries of the future and embrace the joy of this present moment. The definition of forgiveness that Oprah Winfrey uses says it best. “Forgiveness is giving up the hope that the past could be any different”. As this year comes to a close, allow yourself to let go of those memories and thoughts that are not in alignment with your highest good, and make each present moment a step towards a bright and beautiful future.
Susan Thomas, Master Certified Coach,
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