We all want happiness and to be successful in our lives, but without knowing who you are, it becomes a very difficult and often scary task. We get information from everywhere and everyone about who we are supposed
to be or who they want us to be. But what other people want you to become may not be who you really are. How many of us go on living and working for years only to find that we are living someone else’s life and not our own?
Well, now is the time for you to take back your life and step into your truest and greatest self, and this takes courage. It could mean not fitting into the mold of society. It could mean disappointing family or friends because they want you to follow in their footsteps.
However, there are several rewards for realizing who you are and living from that awareness. You will be happier than ever before because you are not living a lie. You will be able to live fearlessly because you will
not have to question what you do or how to act around others. You can stand fearlessly in your true self and say with pride, “This is who I am, and I love me”. By becoming the real you, you also give other people permission to be who they truly are. A person that exemplifies this perfectly is Lady Gaga. No matter what your opinion of her is, she is a shining example of what it means to live as your true self and she has penetrated the lives of many others and given them the courage to do the same.
So where does this journey begin? It begins by answering the question, “Who am I?” Now, there are no right or wrong answers and there is no specific number of answers that you may come up with. You may say you are a
student, a teacher, a woman or a man, a mother or father, a carpenter, a writer, a sister or brother, a friend, an adviser. Don’t limit yourself. The list of who you are is endless. I can fill up a page writing down all the aspects of who I am. That is because we are multidimensional, we are wonderfully complex and one word cannot fully describe who we are.
Take as much time as you need to answer this question and be truly honest with yourself. Your list may contain things like, I’m a procrastinator, I’m a gossip, or I’m lazy. And that’s okay. This list is for your eyes only. So don’t judge or be hard on yourself. Simply go through your list and choose the traits you like and you want to keep; choose the traits that you don’t like and cross those out; and add the traits you want to have
that you don’t have.
Keep in mind, this list will change because our lives and our thoughts are always changing, so ask yourself “Who am I” on a regular basis, and as your life grows, the picture of your truest and greatest self, the person you were born to be will grow and unfold. Read this list everyday beginning each trait with “I am…” and by living from this awareness, your truest and greatest self will become your reality.
Susan Thomas, Master Certified Coach,
Have a challenging life question? Email me at
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